Tanggal: 1 – 2 Desember 2015
Tempat: Gedung Kartini, Jl. Tangkuban Perahu No. 12A (Belakang Mall MOG), Malang
Waktu: 09.00-16.00 WIB Continue reading “Malang Job Fair “JOB FOR CAREER” 2015”
Author: admin web
Hasil Pembahasan Judul Gel.2 dan Update Pembimbing Proposal LA
Dear mahasiswa peserta LA – Skripsi 2015/2016, berikut ini adalah hasil pembahasan Judul Gelombang 2, quota pembimbing gelombang 2 dan update Pembimbing Proposal LA.
Hasil Pembahasan Judul LA Gelombang 2
Quota Pembimbing LA Gelombang 2
Update Pembimbing Proposal LA:
TOYOTA Future Leader
NEDP is designed to maximize Future Leader potential through various insightful program and activities. Through On The Job Development (OJD), Future Leader are prepared to assume challenging responsibility and business leadership role.